Can You Paint Roof Shingles? Everything Homeowners Need to Know
Are your roof shingles looking a little faded? Do you have uneven coloring or a new addition that does not tone in with the rest of your roof? You may be tempted to reach for a paintbrush and give your shingles a new lease of life with a coat of specialist paint. This is an […]

How to Approach Roof Repairs With Solar Panels Installed
There were 39,000 solar installations in Arizona in 2023, and the Grand Canyon State now produces enough solar energy to power 1.2 million homes. If you have made this smart upgrade to your home, you may be wondering what to do when your roof needs repair. Solar panels are sophisticated –not to mention expensive – pieces of technology fixed to […]

Comparing Tile vs. Shingle Roofs: Which Is Better for Arizona Homes?
Throughout the United States, asphalt shingles are the most common roofing material. However, most of the country does not contend with a climate like Arizona’s. In the Grand Canyon State, tile has long been a popular choice for homeowners looking for a durable roof. However, times have changed, and asphalt shingle technology has improved considerably. […]

Seasonal Roof Maintenance Checklist for Homeowners
With its dry climate, low rainfall, lack of strong wind, and extremely low risk of snow and ice, Phoenix may seem like it would be kind on roofs. However, the high heat of its long summer and other seasonal considerations mean Arizona homeowners need to prioritize seasonal roof maintenance to keep their homes in good condition. […]